Sunday, May 5, 2013

What I hope he will be.

"Allergy Girl" he called me. He wasn't being snotty or mean spirited or rude. He was being playful and in a way...honest. Allergies are one of the most defining qualities of my daily life, and it's how a lot of people identify me. I'm okay with that because it means I'm open with our friends about our struggles and victories, and I hope it means they know I'm putting all of my effort into finding answers and wellness for my child. But as sincerely as I've ever hoped anything, I hope Easton won't grow up to be "Allergy Guy." 

I am eager to see that little cutie be known for anything other than this. Yes, he has multiple allergies - food, environmental, chemical - but he also has a gorgeous smile, an infectious laugh, a sweet singing baby voice, and an excellent sense of rhythm. He is bright, active, funny, and the most precious snuggler. Allergies will always be a significant part of who he is, and I believe that this part of his life will help cultivate in him a deep empathy for anyone who struggles with their health. I also choose to believe that this will not be his most defining quality.

Wouldn't it be cool if someday he is the fastest sprinter? the greatest dad? the best plumber in town? the foremost expert on tree frogs? Honestly, I don't care what superlative describes him, as long as it's not "Most Allergic." That isn't a prize I'm trying to win, and it's not something any allergy parent wants for their child. 

So how do we make sure he grows up embracing all of his potential? Simply put, we do everything we can to keep the allergy stuff "off his plate." We want him to fill his time playing, learning and giggling, so we are diligent to protect him from anything that can slow him down. We will give him all the freedom we can to pursue his interests, and we will pray like crazy that his immune system strengthens. So if my husband and I ever seem to be a little (or a lot) overprotective or one-track-minded, it's because we have a little boy who will someday be a man, and we want that man to fulfill every ounce of greatness for which he was created.

{For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.} Ephesians 2:10

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